Information on car rental in Algeria, the best conditions for rent a car from Naniko
This country, disposed in North Africa, is the second largest in the entire African continent. On its territory you can see a huge variety of cultural, natural or architectural treasures, which turns the trip to Algeria really into an exciting adventure. For the maximum convenience of the chosen routes, most travelers choose car rental services in Algiers, which provides comfort and an unforgettable trip. With a rental car, you can cover a maximum of routes, from the desert to the beaches, from the charming towns to the countryside, and this North African country will surprise with its colorful and diverse world. To get the best service of car rent from Naniko you can simply use the online method.
Having looked through our site, you will easily get a comparison of all offers, the most affordable tariffs and choose a more suitable package for you. Many choose an SUV for trips in the desert. Moving to the south of Algeria, from the city of Tamanrasset, you will have the opportunity to organize a trip to the Hoggar mountains or to travel to the neighboring Niger, thus following the ancient routes of caravans crossing the desert centuries ago.
Feel all the charm of the desert and the splendid cities of Algeria, traveling with comfort on the car rent from Naniko!
Car fleet of Naniko for auto rental in Algeria provides you with the widest range of vehicles, among which, often the most popular are SUVs, taking into account trips on uneven roads and localities. For city trips we will also offer an assortment of comfortable sedans, economical mini and much more. It is often advisable to rent a non-all-wheel drive car, allowing you to switch from 2WD to 4WD, according to the road you are traveling on.
Due to the nature and variety of roads, it is better to provide yourself with necessary equipment in advance, such as a functional GPS system with updated maps, pneumatic spare parts, tire replacement tools, first aid kit and more. Taking into account the fact that in Algeria the weather is hot enough, we obligatory provide vehicles with air conditioning system.
For more information on all the nuances of car hire in Algeria, you can always get on the pages of our website, or by contacting our experienced and qualified operators and specialists by phone.
Use the convenience of the Naniko reservation system and find the best options of rent a car in Algeria!
Our affordable rates with tax and car insurance rates taken into account are always a pleasant surprise for our customers.
In addition to the Sahara, thanks to a convenient vehicle and low-cost fares, you can also reach the Assekrem mountain, at an altitude of 3000 meters and visit a mysterious temple there.