Car rental in Frankfurt on Main by Naniko
Our online system is constantly compare costs for car hire worldwide and offers to our customers the guarantied possibility to borrow vehicle by the best and competitive prices.
Car rental in Frankfurt – reasonable prices for everyone!

Accomplish at once your reservation auto in Frankfurt by using our splendid system, created with the caring of any details and makes easier the process of choosing and making decision for our client. It’s also perfect for time saving. The system presents the price which includes taxes and insurance as well, in contrast to the most similar service companies.
Use the best opportunity assignable by Naniko!
Make you reservation with no setting aside, and receive the privilege created for our customers with care and respect. Namely, receive your auto exactly at most suitable for you place of the city of even in airport, at once as you will arrive.
Frankfurt on Main – European megapolis
Frankfurt on Main or as often called as just Frankfurt, is a megapolis in the heart of Europe, offering not only multitude of the international exhibitions, mighty skyscrapers and great airport, but also it’s a city which greets the visitors by a quantity of friendly predisposed citizens.
Frankfurt offers to its gests as well, plenty of interesting places: museums, bright cultural and sportive events, immense trade centre and 24-hour entertainments for night-birds.
In the quarter of Bockenheim is situated the University of Johann Wolfgang Goethe, which hosts 40.000 students. It is the zone of extremal vivacity, full of bars, bistro, pubs and fashion shops.
As in the main cities of Germany the cental part of Frankfurt is the part of limited permission of driving. Only vehicle with the special authorization inserted on the windscreen have an access to move in the centre.
In January 2012 issued a new rule for having green ecological plates, what is extended also on vehicle registered abroad.
There are 19 huge parking lots on the territory of the city, regulated by dynamic centralised system of parkings, which leads the drivers toward free spots. Besides of this, there are a lot of small parkings and suburban streets, where you can park your auto.
Explore together with Naniko the city of Frankfurt and familiarize with every angle of the pulsatile megapolis!