Naniko rent a car company in Nicosia for the best prices!
Nowadays, when air ticket costs are more competitive and trains are faster, more and more people in the world are deciding to travel to foreign countries and discover new edges of immense planet. But being in vacation everyone prefers to spend time with comfort of personal vehicle. And in this case no sense to travel a long way with own car or buy it for the trip time. Of course not!

There is а car rental service in your job!
The best choice in this field will give you an auto rental company Naniko in Nicosia. There are autos for any essential occasion and budget always in your disposition.
Car hire in Nicosia is a very popular service today!
- Driver service. Together with auto you can hire also driver, for the commensurable period of your trip or selectively for some days.
- Our rates include help and assistance in case of faults. Substitution of a vehicle for the similar model is free of charge. Service is available 24-hours continuity.
- Accessories:a) The important task during auto hire is the safety, especially in winter time. Snow chains are always on the board under your request.b) For family tours, in the presence of small family members, we are happy to grant to our little clients variety of baby chairs of according age and weight.
c) GPS-navigators, for being able to catch a right direction and achieve any destination.
d) For the summer period there are bike holders
e) Roofbasket,etc.
Naniko offers a wide range of cars for any occasion. The most suitable auto is waiting of your choice right now! Browsing the availability through our web-page, pick up liked model at one!
The list of advantages of Naniko’s autopark in Nicosia:
- Autos of recent modifications
- Advisability and easiness of executing the reservation directly from your PC.
- Reliability of a hand-picked vehicle, approved by our technical staff.
- Full package of equipment: ABS, airbags, radio, etc.
Naniko Auto rental is your best companion in Nicosia!
Nicosia is a city on Cyprus Island. Only one European city still remained divided in two. One part is the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, and another is the capital of Turkish Republic of Cyprus. Since olden days Nicosia has been an important market of silk, cotton, wine and fruits. There are tobacco fabrics and manufactures of the soap and bricks. Here is situated the head quarter of Patriarch of Autocephalous Church of Cyprus. The Municipality of Nicosia realizes the project of reconstruction of the historical centre for stimulating the youths to return for living in abandoned places in the line of division.
History, traditions, natural beauties and unique places for visiting, convert Nicosia in magnetically attractive spot for tourists.
Nicosia lies in the heart of the Island and praised by its history, which takes its beginning in the Age of Bronze.
The travellers and tourists are always happy to enjoy about walking in the antique centre of the city, surrounded by Venetian walls, projected by Venetian architect Giulio Savorgnano and edified in the 16th century. The perimeter of the walls is 4, 5 km, has eleven bastions and three gates.
After walking in the centre, it’s always pleasant to relax in private car, while driving to toward the coastline or picking up the way for oversight another sight of the city. There are such impressing museums as Museum of Archeology, Byzantine Museum where is gathered the great collection of icons of the island, Saint Jacobs Cathedral of the 17th century.
For the amateurs of folklore there are an Ethnographic Museum of Cyprus and Museum of Jewelry, where exposed the treasures of 19th century: ornaments, religious objects, the silver tools and things of antique art.
And obviously, places of evening entertainment: taverns, bars and restaurants attracting every passer-by by its jolly music.
Discover miraculous city, savoring every minutes of comfort created for you by Car Rental company Naniko in Nicosia!